Moselle Valerie

Valerie Moselle – Santa Cruz ” USA

“I had the great honor of studying with Shukl’acharya and his wife Samrita at the Satvik Mode in Gurgaon, Haryana in 2006. My family spent just under 6 months outside Delhi in Gurgaon where my husband was working. I had been teaching yoga in the States for upwards of 5 years, and had always wanted to come to India practice and study. Despite my exposure in the States, I had never felt drawn to the teachers with whom most Americans travel to India to study. Also, because we were living in India for work rather than on a pilgrimage, I was limited to yoga teachers I could find in the developing and changing area outside of Delhi where we lived. Little did I know I would be so fortunate. In Shukl’acharya and Samrita I was blessed to have found wonderful, sincere, and knowledgeable teachers. I would not hesitate to recommend them to any student of yoga, experienced or novice.


As Shukl’acharya’s student I spent a little over three months in daily dialog and practice, and developed what I hope will be a continuing mentor-ship for years to come. I was taken on as a student after a careful interview process during which I had to demonstrate my openness to the teachings and the changes the Shuklas might recommend to my lifestyle including diet as well as practice —for true yoga involves every aspect of living. The majority of my training took place during the first month, when I spent often around 3 hours a day at the Satvik Mode practicing asana, pranayama and chanting, as well as discussing the philosophy of yoga. The remainder of our time together was less formal, and flowed as a continued overseeing of my practice over the following months, and an ongoing discussion about the application of yogic techniques to my particular life circumstances as a mother, woman and teacher in the West. Shukl’acharya was careful to incorporate my entire family into my practice and to keep their needs as well as my own in mind in his recommendations. In my 15 years of experience with yoga I have found this a rare quality. In the West we often teach what works for us, rather than what might work for the individual before us.


Shukl’acharya and Samita shared several meals with my family. From them I learned much about caring for the body through food, and preparing the body for higher consciousness with diet. I have never felt so physically balanced as when I have been able to observe these teachings carefully and thoroughly.

As time passes I continue to refer both to my notes and to my memory of my time as a student of Shukl’acharya. I remember my lessons as flowing, rather than structured. We had many conversations, and shared practice together as well. At the time, though I was absorbing a tremendous amount of concentrated information, I wasn’t able to see clearly exactly how it was shaping my understanding of yoga, or how it would effect me upon returning home. Yoga in India is very different from what we have come to know as a ‘yoga class’ in the States. Looking back, it’s as if the teachings I received from the Shuklas simply seeped into my pores. When I practice, refer to practice, or teach, sparks from my lessons in Gurgaon surface and emerge. Sometimes they are jewels of understanding I didn’t even know I had, but that I recognize from my precious time with these inspiring yogis.”

Shuklacharya’s Retreat & Spiritual Centre near Bhimtal is both lovely, and conducive to health and wellness. I was fortunate enough to spend a few comfortable days there with my family. We received Ayurvedic massage treatments, complimentary tea brewed from Tulsi grown just outside our rooms, and served delicious satvik meals. A memorable highlight was the traditional fire ceremony at dusk.

Whether a student of yoga, or a traveler looking for a unique and restful experience in India, I highly recommend Shuklacharya’s Retreat & Spiritual Centre .

Moselle Valerie